Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Moving On- An Original Poem by Me!

Moving on is not as simple as I thought
Because my thoughts are consumed with you
And all the things we ever did and never did
(Except in my fantasies).
All the conversations we ever had and never had replay in my subconscious with HD clarity.
All the places we’ve ever gone and never gone take on the persona of one of the wonders of the world.
How do I move on when I feel as if we’re just getting started?
So many things left unsaid and undone
Coupled with what I’ve said and I’ve done-
Our business is unfinished.
Add to that things you’ve said and you’ve done, and we have quite the conundrum.
How am I supposed to move on when I’m haunted by shit we could have done and should have done but didn’t?
I’m constantly confronted with shit you needed to say and wanted to say while I was saying too much.
I’m pissed knowing what we could be and should be while I watch you pour the energy, that could and would build “us” up, into bitches who don’t appreciate all that you are.
Your hope is she will be and can be me. She ain’t me.
I gotta move on cause the shoulda, woulda, couldas add up to nothing.
That’s what makes this so hard-
Where do you go from nowhere?

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