Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Getting Organized!!

Are some people born with a "disorganized" chromosome?  If so, I readily admit that I have it.  At work, I have a system that works for me, and that would lead folks to believe that I am that way in all walks of life.  The reality is, I struggle with finding a place for everything and keeping everything in its place.  I am committing 21 days in September to cleansing my conciousness, so I suppose that would be an ideal time to get my home in order as well.  I am welcoming any and all suggestions on how to motivate myself to get things done around the house and ideas on the easiest course of action.  Organized confusion is not just the name of my blog, it's been my lifestyle and I am ready to shake that.  A cluttered home sometimes equals a cluttered mind and this is my experience.  Because I am embarking on a mission to change my way of thinking I must also change my way of living (as long as it's for the better).  I am in the rare position of asking for help.  So HELP!!!!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Midwest Blues Unveiled!!! My Fantasy Team!

My 2010 Fantasy Football lineup for the Midwest Blues!!
Let's only hope that they do me proud.  This was a journey, and I have fielded quite a few sleepers.  I hope that my gamble works out. Just because I like to play devil's advocate, I have a team that was picked completely by the numbers called the Midwestern Blues (yeah, how is that for creativity).  It will be interesting to see which team does better in the regular season!  If you aren't a football fan bear with me.  Things will be back to normal tomorrow... but Sundays will definitely be devoted to football beginning Sept 12.  As an added bonus, I will be blogging LIVE from sunny South Beach for the Chicago Bears vs. Miami Dolphins matchup on Thurs. November 18, 2010. I guess the bonus is more for me!

QB QBBN Jay Cutler QB- CHI
RB RBBN Matt Forte RB- CHI RB RBBN Cedric Benson RB- CIN WR WRBN Pierre Garcon WR- IND WR WRBN Steve Smith WR- NYG WR WRBN Terrell Owens WR- CINTE TEBN Zach Miller TE- NE
BN RBBN Thomas Jones RB- BN QBBN Brett Favre QB- MinBN TEBN Visanthe Shiancoe TE- MIN BN RBBN Fred Taylor RB- BN WRBN Braylon Edwards WR- NYJ BN WRBN Michael Crabtree WR- SFK KBN Robbie Gould K- CHIDEF DEFBN Dallas Cowboys DEF

Saturday, August 21, 2010

So, at what point is it actually 'cheating'?

Deceiving others. That is what the world calls a romance. -- Oscar Wilde

 I am involved in a happy relationship.  I work in an office with Damon, who has a well documented crush on me.  We have playful conversations and flirtations, but he is aware that it will never go anywhere.  (Is this cheating?)  After a particularly stressful workweek, a group of co-workers decide to meet up for drinks.  Damon attends.  (Once I know Damon is going am I guilty?)  After a few cocktails, the DJ starts spinning some dance music.  He asks me to dance.  I accept. (Okay, what about now?)  We sweat it out on the dance floor and he buys me another drink.(I know Damon has ulterior motives, is this where I stray?)  The DJ slows it down and Damon comes to find me for another dance- it's harmless, so I say yes. (Is it really harmless?)  When he pulls me close, I can feel that he was aroused by our proximity.  Dame is definitely working with something.  He's whispering in my ear.  I'm responding.  (I've gotta be cheating now, right?)  He kisses my neck, I don't pull away.  The tequila is working on my conscience, I am totally uninhibited.  We leave together.  (I'm drunk and leaving with a guy who I know is into me.  Cheating?)  He walks me to my car where we talk for 20 minutes.  He kisses me. (Intimate contact, but not intercourse.  Is that cheating?)   I know I need to go home but Damon is convincing me to stay.  He says he'd feel better if he took me home because I am a little tipsy.  I accept his offer. (Now, I'm in a car with him, alone.  Is this the breaking point?)  When I get home he kisses my cheek and asks if I'm coming out (with the group) next week.  I say yes, and then go in to the man I love. (No sex- does that equal no cheating?)

So, at this point, it's a matter of opinion.  When did the cheating start, or was there any cheating? 
This could be YOU!!
Never tell a loved one of an infidelity: you would be badly rewarded for your troubles. Although one dislikes being deceived, one likes even less to be undeceived. -- Ninon De Lenclos

Thursday, August 19, 2010

How Tolerant is America Expected to Be?

~ We need to promote greater tolerance and understanding among the peoples of the world. Nothing can be more dangerous to our efforts to build peace and development than a world divided along religious, ethnic or cultural lines. In each nation, and among all nations, we must work to promote unity based on our shared humanity. ~  Kofi Annan

 How tolerant?  Very, as we consider this country "the melting pot of the world".  For years our borders were open and people from all over the world were welcomed in to share in our vision of freedom.  Lately the citizens of this country are showing more sensitivity that manifests in outright prejudice.  When Muslim residents proposed to build an Islamic center two blocks from the site of Ground Zero the shit hit the fan.  Remember, Ground Zero is where "Islamic zealots" crashed planes into the World Trade Center's twin towers killing thousands on September 11, 2001.  That would be the same day that all Muslims in America lost the right to do anything near Ground Zero, as the area is now called.

 For real, people?  If this society is so evolved, why can't it separate Muslims from terrorists who happened to be Muslim?  Why must the multitude of followers of Islam be punished for the sins of a few?  An Islamic center- not on the site of Ground Zero, but at least two blocks away- could be the first step in saying this nation is healing and are prepared to offer the same liberties to all its citizens.  Even the ones who happen to be Muslim.

 I mean, Muslims (besides the terrorists) did die in the towers.  They are part of the 3000 casualties and, given that they make up roughly .6% of the nation's population, their community was hit pretty hard.  They have some stake in the Ground Zero pie.  Even if you accept the "official" story about 9/11 you can't hold every Muslim everywhere responsible.

 It's sad to realize that this society is so prejudiced that something like building a place of worship has become a major news story.  I know this sounds harsh, but it's time to move on.  Move on- much like the Native American and Black communities are expected to (thanks, Dr. Laura!) although those groups have suffered past (and present) injustices.

 Let the Islamic center go up!!
~ The noblest vengeance is to forgive. ~  Proverbs

Breaking it in easy...

 ~ Sometimes I'm confused by what I think is really obvious. But what I think is really obvious obviously isn't obvious... ~ Michael Stipe

Everybody that really knows me is aware that I have more than a few idiosyncrasies that make me who I am.  I am spiritual, but not religious.  I believe in not-so-covert conspiracies that involve organized religion, the entertainment industry, and government agencies and officials (just to name a few).  I believe that urban legends contain at least a kernel of truth.  And through my cynicism, I still believe in all incarnations of love- familial, platonic, romantic, AGAPE.  I have a rough exterior, am bullheaded, will debate with whomever whenever wherever, but at the end of the day, it's all love.  So, if my musings seem a bit tame, I am just breaking things in easy.  I may get personal or preachy but it's all love.  My interests run the gamut- sports, music, self exploration, sex, and where current events fall in the grand design.  I am so faceted, my confusion so organized, that I am being compelled to put it out there, whether anyone is interested is another story.  Next post will be the first organized piece.  I will touch on a subject that is sure to raise eyebrows- the building of a mosque near Ground Zero.  Just how tolerant is America expected to be?  Somehow, I expect some confusion!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Just Getting Started

Welcome to my world.  A "Bizarro" type of place where everything is not always as it seems.  Guess that's why I refer to it as Organized Confusion- I am generally all over the place.  For instance, my big thing for the day has been Fantasy Football.  I am an avid football fan (Bears Nation, stand up) but, for the life of me, I could not understand the obsession with fantasy sports.  I've been looking for a hobby, so I decided this morning that I would join a fantasy league.  It is simple enough to join one- I went to NFL.com, clicked "Fantasy" and had a league home in 2 easy minutes.  That is where the simplicity ends.  I had to familiarize myself with the point system, prepare for the draft, decide on a team name... trust me, it's like having a second job.  I have pages of pre-draft rankings, cheat sheets, top ten sleeper reports, players to avoid reports, and draft strategies.  I have participated in 3 mock drafts to familiarize myself with the process- all of this on day one!!  And that, my friends, is how one becomes obsessed.  My team is the Midwest Blues, and my draft is on August 22.  Until then, I must immerse myself in this team building process.  I have got to eat, drink, sleep and breathe FOOTBALL.  All of this stems from a decision I made today while I was eating my Wheaties.  Organized Confusion- you never know what side of left field I'll come from.  Enjoy your stay!