~ We need to promote greater tolerance and understanding among the peoples of the world. Nothing can be more dangerous to our efforts to build peace and development than a world divided along religious, ethnic or cultural lines. In each nation, and among all nations, we must work to promote unity based on our shared humanity. ~ Kofi Annan
How tolerant? Very, as we consider this country "the melting pot of the world". For years our borders were open and people from all over the world were welcomed in to share in our vision of freedom. Lately the citizens of this country are showing more sensitivity that manifests in outright prejudice. When Muslim residents proposed to build an Islamic center two blocks from the site of Ground Zero the shit hit the fan. Remember, Ground Zero is where "Islamic zealots" crashed planes into the World Trade Center's twin towers killing thousands on September 11, 2001. That would be the same day that all Muslims in America lost the right to do anything near Ground Zero, as the area is now called.
For real, people? If this society is so evolved, why can't it separate Muslims from terrorists who happened to be Muslim? Why must the multitude of followers of Islam be punished for the sins of a few? An Islamic center- not on the site of Ground Zero, but at least two blocks away- could be the first step in saying this nation is healing and are prepared to offer the same liberties to all its citizens. Even the ones who happen to be Muslim.
I mean, Muslims (besides the terrorists) did die in the towers. They are part of the 3000 casualties and, given that they make up roughly .6% of the nation's population, their community was hit pretty hard. They have some stake in the Ground Zero pie. Even if you accept the "official" story about 9/11 you can't hold every Muslim everywhere responsible.
It's sad to realize that this society is so prejudiced that something like building a place of worship has become a major news story. I know this sounds harsh, but it's time to move on. Move on- much like the Native American and Black communities are expected to (thanks, Dr. Laura!) although those groups have suffered past (and present) injustices.
Let the Islamic center go up!!
~ The noblest vengeance is to forgive. ~ Proverbs
I first need to apologize, because I was under the impression that they wanted to build on ground zero. I personally dont think that the ground should be touch, by anyone. Is it time to move forward most definitly. I just dont think America ever will. We have opened our borders to everyone for a long time, and I hate to say this but we got what we had coming, because we didnt protect ourselves more. I know that sounds cruel and I would never want it to happen again, but if we dont start coming together it probably will happen again. Everyone needs to stop passing judgement on one another and more forward with what we have and grow together the best way we can, and I think we will maybe one day get there.
ReplyDeleteI appreciate your comment! And no need to apologize, the media has given everyone the impression that the Islamic Center was being built ON Ground Zero. The reality is that America has double standards. I am sure there are sacred sites that have been destroyed in the US and abroad that those affected feel have been desecrated by something that stands there now. Because this nation stands for freedom we need to live up to that reputation and allow these residents freedom of religion.