I am a young, black, single mother who is gainfully employed, attractive and independent. I am extremely bright, have a good personality, and am quite well rounded. Yet, I am unwillingly single. I said it- UNWILLINGLY single. Meaning, I am lonesome, I would like to meet a black man who brings to the table what I bring. I have previously used all of the single black woman cop outs- straight out of the cop out manual.
They're either married, locked up, gay or dating white women. Very short manual. But, the truth is, I now know that I need to inspect what I expect. I also need to explore what may be some of my less than endearing qualities. Some men can't handle an ultra competitive, potty mouthed, hard drinking, rough around the edges female. Not that I am willing to try to "change" into a more suitable chick if they can't. Again, I believe in a higher power- God, Jehovah. So, I have requested from Him to deliver to me a man who can handle me as I am. Who is turned on by my competitiveness, who loves me despite my mouth, will match me drink for drink, and realizes that diamonds start off with rough edges. And, I believe that God will deliver that man to me in His own time- when both of us are ready to receive the gift of love. I am attempting to exercise patience and faith in this process. I am devoting time and energy to the process of connecting to my inner being and becoming a more rounded person in the meantime. But deep, deep down, I still want to force God's hand. I want God to send me the man I think is perfect for me instead of the man HE knows is perfect for me. I lust and long after one man in particular, and I make it my business to focus on all the ways that I know he is the best thing for me. Truth is, he may very well be but I need to let go of what my ego is telling me and move (in faith) throughout my days like he is just another friend. And that is very hard to do. He isn't just another friend, he is amongst my best friends. He entered my life a year ago, and I can't remember the last time I bonded with anyone so quickly. He is a fixture in my life- I can't think of going one single week without seeing his face or hearing his voice. But the time is not right, or we are not right for one another because God knows best. So, the problem is I need to exercise my faith but my intuition tells me that he is my man. Our close relationship further compounds the issue. Should I, as the ultimate act of faith, limit my contact with this man whom I love so the temptation to manipulate God's plan is minimized? Or should I have faith that God's plan will prevail despite my intentions?