Sunday, September 12, 2010

9/11 National Holiday?

Should the anniversary of the 9/11/2001 be a federally recognized holiday?  In my opinion, it should not.  I feel this way because, while we won't forget the egregious nature of the attack, we have to acknowledge that our government did not take the necessary steps to prevent it.  So, do we reward them for NOT protecting the citizens of this country by giving them a day off with pay?  No, we should send them to work that day, and everyday, until they admit the part the federal government played in making these attacks possible.
    I could delve into several theories that chronicle the conspiracy, but I will, instead, encourage you to read Jesse Ventura's "American Conspiracies".  Soon after the attacks, I (along with many other people) began to think that there had to be more to the story than what we were being fed by the media.  How could an attack of this magnitude be possible in America, especially when the "weapons" of choice were airplanes?  It should have been nearly impossible for that many planes to be hijacked and re-routed without red flags going up or even ONE being intercepted (although I do believe that the plane that went down in Pennsylvania was shot down).  Who had prior knowledge that our fighter jets would be participating in military drills that took them far away from the sites of the attacks? 
   The federal government had warnings that these attacks were being planned, yet failed to take them serious enough to place our military on heightened alert.  Because of their prior knowledge and inaction, they should be held equally (if not MORE) responsible for the acts that precipitated the loss of lives on that fateful day.  So, give them the day off?  Surely, you jest.  They took THAT day off.

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