Thursday, October 14, 2010


History dictates- from the earliest of times- that when a person spits too much truth in too short a time his reward is a loss of life (e.g. Jesus Christ, MLK, Malcolm, JFK).  Too much undiluted truth is poison to the plans of the few.  The "powers" may find a need to water it down a bit, so they put tiny bits of the truth out there but envelope it in nonsense.  All of this is an attempt to make these truths seem implausible.  Then there are agents of disinformation-  they spread lies from a reputable mouth.  In other words, if that person sleeps well at night and doesn't fear for his life, he is likely the worst kind of Judas.  A disinformation junkie.  Some of what they say is fact, but the lies are so colorful that folks are thrown off the truth's scent.  We are charged with the task of filtering through the bullshit to obtain the pearls of truth.  Rarely can we take much at face value.   Satan, or Lucifer, has been called the father of the lie.  He was (and is)  known to use scripture to support his lies and deceptions.    He takes the utmost in truth and perverts it.  Since this approach works more often than not, it serves as a blueprint that those in power have carefully adopted.  They follow it nearly to the letter.  Whether they acknowledge Satan's handiwork or even his existence, he is the architect of their grand design.  My challenge to all of America is to WAKE UP.  Do not blindly follow a leader, political party, even religion.  Study.  Make conscious decisions.  Be vigilant and process information independently.  Most importantly, when a person shows you who he is, believe him.   


  1. Why the picture of the towers?? What are you suggesting??

  2. I am suggestting that a lot of what we know about that and other situations that have occurred on our soil is at best half truths and at worst outright lies. As painful as it may be, we need to acknowledge what was actually GAINED by the few rather than solely concentrate on what was LOST by the many.
